Is your suitcase packed? Did you remember to pack in your portable battery-operated water fountain? You’ll likely need it for this trip. Is your home indoor water fountain turned off ?
OK, so let’s go!
Here we are in Rome, the Water Fountain Capital of the World.
There are literally hundreds of water fountains including the small “nasoni” (named for the ‘Roman Nose’ shape of the spouts) dispensing drinking water for public use and the elaborately decorative, large structures designed by famous sculpture artists.
Today we’ll focus on the water fountain creations of one sculptor, Gian Lorenzo Bernini. His stone pieces were created between 1629 and 1653, but his most famous fountain, Trevi, was actually not completed until 1751, about 70 years after his death, having been commissioned to an artist of that time, Nicola Salvi.

Considered to be the most beautiful fountain in the city, it is built of marble and travertine stone and symbolizes four rivers from the four parts of the known world at that time. Europe is represented by the Danube; Africa by the Nile; Asia by the Ganges and the Americas by Rio. It is topped off by the Domitian obelisk which causes the structure to tower over the piazza. At the south end of the square is another Bernini designed fountain, but built by Antonio Mari in 1653, the Fontana del Moro (Moor’s Fountain),above right, depicting an African-featured triton battling a dolphin.

So, there we have a small sampling of Rome’s fountains for your enjoyment. When you look at indoor water fountains to place in your home you’ll often notice the influence of these sculptures on contemporary design. You’ve done a bit of walking today, so experience an expansive, multi-course meal in a local tratoria and then enjoy the benefits of your personal battery-powered water fountain in your room for a relaxing end to a wonderful day. And, never forget that your indoor water fountain at home is a multi-functioning cousin to those you've seen today, and is a work of art in its own right.
The next Fountain Destination - London, England
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